This is Heading 1 Styled Text

This is standard formatted paragraph content. This is the default styling for any text that you enter into the page editor without applying any specific style elements to it. This is standard formatted paragraph content. This is the default styling for any text that you enter into the page editor without applying any specific style elements to it.

This is Heading 2 Styled Text

This is standard formatted paragraph content. This is the default styling for any text that you enter into the page editor without applying any specific style elements to it. This is standard formatted paragraph content. This is the default styling for any text that you enter into the page editor without applying any specific style elements to it.

This is Heading 3 Styled Text

This is standard formatted paragraph content. This is the default styling for any text that you enter into the page editor without applying any specific style elements to it. This is standard formatted paragraph content. This is the default styling for any text that you enter into the page editor without applying any specific style elements to it.

This is Heading 4 Styled Text

This is standard formatted paragraph content. This is the default styling for any text that you enter into the page editor without applying any specific style elements to it. This is standard formatted paragraph content. This is the default styling for any text that you enter into the page editor without applying any specific style elements to it.

This is Heading 5 Styled Text

This is standard formatted paragraph content. This is the default styling for any text that you enter into the page editor without applying any specific style elements to it.

This is Heading 6 Styled Text

This is standard formatted paragraph content. This is the default styling for any text that you enter into the page editor without applying any specific style elements to it.

Below is what’s called “preformatted” styled text. It is used primarily to display computer code in the preferred mono-space type font.

while a < 15
    print a, " "
    if a == 10 then
        print "made it to ten!!"
    a = a + 1
print "\n"

Below is a horizontal rule that can be used to visually separate different sections of a page

Font Styling:

This is standard paragraph text, but bolded

This is standard paragraph text, but in italics

This is standard paragraph text, but underlined

This is standard paragraph text, but in a different color

This is standard paragraph text, but blockquoted


Text Alignment:

This is standard paragraph text, left aligned.

This is standard paragraph text, center aligned.

This is standard paragraph text, right aligned.

This is a block of standard paragraph text, justified. This is a block of standard paragraph text, justified. This is a block of standard paragraph text, justified. This is a block of standard paragraph text, justified. This is a block of standard paragraph text, justified. This is a block of standard paragraph text, justified.


New Lines vs Paragraph Breaks:

First paragraph. This text is designated as a HTML “paragraph”. Paragraphs have certain pre-designated space added before and after the block of text. The space following is illustrative of how much space a standard paragraph break will make.

Second block of text (not designated as a paragraph). Notice the amount of space that was added between the first and second block of text.
Third block of text (not designated as a paragraph). Notice that there was no additional space added between the second and third blocks of text.

Fourth block of text (not designated as a paragraph). I’ve manually added the HTML tag &nbsp; in the “text” view of the page editor. Notice that there was slightly more additional space added between the third and fourth blocks of text.

Photo Options:

{ The following photo is left-aligned and “thumbnail” size (150 x 150 pixels) }
This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the photos to illustrate how the page text wraps around differently aligned photos in posts. This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the photos to illustrate how the page text wraps around differently aligned photos in posts. This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the photos to illustrate how the page text wraps around differently aligned photos in posts. This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the photos to illustrate how the page text wraps around differently aligned photos in posts. This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the photos to illustrate how the page text wraps around differently aligned photos in posts. This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the photos to illustrate how the page text wraps around differently aligned photos in posts.

{The following photo is right-aligned and “medium” size (300 x 200 pixels)}

This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the photos to illustrate how the page text wraps around differently aligned photos in posts. This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the photos to illustrate how the page text wraps around differently aligned photos in posts. This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the photos to illustrate how the page text wraps around differently aligned photos in posts. This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the photos to illustrate how the page text wraps around differently aligned photos in posts. This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the photos to illustrate how the page text wraps around differently aligned photos in posts.

{The following photo has no alignment and is “medium” size (300 x 200 pixels)}
This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the photos to illustrate how the page text wraps around differently aligned photos in posts.

This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the photos to illustrate how the page text wraps around differently aligned photos in posts. This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the photos to illustrate how the page text wraps around differently aligned photos in posts.

{The following photo is center-aligned and “medium” size (300 x 200 pixels)}
This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the photos to illustrate how the page text wraps around differently aligned photos in posts. This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the photos to illustrate how the page text wraps around differently aligned photos in posts. This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the photos to illustrate how the page text wraps around differently aligned photos in posts.

Smiley lady.

This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the photos to illustrate how the page text wraps around differently aligned photos in posts. This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the photos to illustrate how the page text wraps around differently aligned photos in posts.

This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the photos to illustrate how the page text wraps around differently aligned photos in posts. This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the photos to illustrate how the page text wraps around differently aligned photos in posts.

This is a caption. It only displays properly with images that are the full width of the page. The above photo has no alignment and is “full” size (1698 x 1131 pixels). It is probably being resized-down “on the fly” by the website to fit on your screen.

This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the photos to illustrate how the page text wraps around differently aligned photos in posts. This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the photos to illustrate how the page text wraps around differently aligned photos in posts.


Custom HTML & CSS that was created by Dan

The following items were custom coded by me to more attractively present some of the page content throughout the site. If you feel comfortable digging into the page HTML, by all means borrow these snippets for use on your sites. All HTML/CSS must be copied and pasted from the “Text” view in the page editor.


Wrapping Resource Icons code:



Village of MaywoodVillage of Maywood
40 Madison Street,
Maywood, IL 60153
(708) 450-6300
Village of Melrose ParkVillage of Melrose Park
1000 N. 25th Avenue
Melrose Park, IL 60160
(708) 343-4000
Village of BroadviewVillage of Broadview
2350 S 25th Avenue
Broadview, IL 60155
(708) 681-3600



Wrapping Text Boxes (used on Irving’s After School Programs page):



Art Club
2:45pm – 3:45pm

Honors Choir
2:45pm – 3:30pm

Media Club

Honors Reading
2:45pm – 3:40pm

Digital Storytelling
2:45pm – 3:45pm

IMSA Fusion
2:45pm – 4:30pm

Public Speaking
2:45pm – 3:45pm


Gaming Club
(2nd & 3rd Quarter only)
3:00pm – 4:30pm

Cooking Club
2:45pm – 3:45pm

Student Newspaper
2:45pm – 4:00pm

Media Club

Digital Storytelling Club
2:45pm – 3:45pm


Board Game Club
2:45 pm – 3:35 pm


Poetry Club
2:45 pm – 3:45 pm

Girl Space Girl Scouts Program
2:45 pm – 4:00 pm


Girls Basketball Season
Boys Soccer Season
Cross-Country Season
Irving Tigerettes
Student Counsel
Student Vs. Staff Games


See full calendar
of Upcoming Events


Stylized Pull-Out Quotation:

This one WAS one of my custom HTML/CSS deals, but I asked our web dev team if there was a way to integrate it into the general CSS style sheet sitewide and one of our programmers made it happen! Super stoked about how easy it is now. It’s still “undocumented” but all you need to do is add a single HTML tag (aside) to do it. Pretty neat.

This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the pull-out quote to illustrate how the page text wraps around the quotation. This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the pull-out quote to illustrate how the page text wraps around the quotation. This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the pull-out quote to illustrate how the page text wraps around the quotation.

This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the pull-out quote to illustrate how the page text wraps around the quotation. This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the pull-out quote to illustrate how the page text wraps around the quotation. This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the pull-out quote to illustrate how the page text wraps around the quotation. This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the pull-out quote to illustrate how the page text wraps around the quotation. This is a block of standard paragraph text that is being used as filler around the pull-out quote to illustrate how the page text wraps around the quotation.